

In China,there i an old aying:Unity i trength,howing the importance of teamwork.

A time goe by,there i no doubt that teamwork i more and more ignificant for u in many part.No matter what you are doing,uch a you are playing baketball or other game,you are participating in the debate competition, you are dealing in cla affair and o forth.It i univerally acknowledged that all of thee may not be finihed better if without teamwork.What' more, whether you poe a good team pirit or not, which i the general ituation a heavy,the pirit of devotion.No matter what we do,I think the thing will be much better if we keep a better teamwork pirit up.There i no denying that not only can greatly improve our work efficiency but alo can get true friendhip among colleague in future work through intenifying our teamwork awarene.

Therefore how to create a good team?Peronally peaking,firtly,we think out clearing team goal.Secondly, we may a well elect a good team leader,who i eential.In thi way,he will lead u to truggle and progre much better together.Finally,we hould be tolerant and undertand when we have a diagreement with each other on the team,in which each of u hould hold the pirit of devotion.Mot importantly, I believe that a long a making joint effort,we can create a good team, completing the tak more perfect.


高中英语作文:My Best Friend




On teamwork,团队合作高中英语作文300字



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