

一、 引言

高中英语教学注重培养学生听、说、读、写四方面技能以及这四种技能综合运用的能力。写作是综合性较强的语言运用形式, 它与其它技能在语言学习中相辅相成、相互促进。因此, 写作教学具有重要地位。然而, 当前的写作教学存在“ 重结果轻过程”的问题, 教师和学生都把写作的重点放在习作的评价和语法错误的订正上,忽视了语言的输入。实际上,学生的语言输入是为了更好地为语言输出打基础。Krahen(1984)在他的“输入假设”(Input Hypothei)中指出,语言的习得有赖于足够量的“可理解性输入”(Comprehenible input)。学生在习作前通过更多的与话题相关的听、说、读的多样化活动,加大信息量的输入,也只有在足够量的输入前提下,学生最后才能以写的方式进行有效的信息输出。《英语课程标准》提出的改革措施是重点改变过去英语过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授、忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养的倾向,强调从学生的学习兴趣出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生积极思维、大胆实践、自主学习的过程。因此,新课标下的英语写作教学应该注重写作过程,它是一个全面培养学生各种能力的过程。教师在设计写作教学时,要注重学生信息的输入,挑选更多更好接近写作话题的材料给学生阅读和思考,并通过交谈、讨论等多种方式给学生更多信息输入,通过听和读以及师生和生生之间的互动交流给学生多方位的语言体验,帮助他们丰富写作的内容,提高写作能力,同时有效地训练了听、说和读的能力。


笔者以人教版Module4, Unit2中的 Reading, Speaking and writing为例,探讨新课标下的英语写作教学方法。

Step 1 Leading in

1. Show ome picture of food and ak the tudent:

What do you prefer/don’t like? Why?

2. Dicuion. In pair try to find reaon to peruade your partner to like the ame food a your. Try to ue the following expreion.

I would rather… I don’t like …becaue…

I’d prefer…becaue… It’ a great pity that…

3. Group activity:

Suppoe you are a vendor, try to find reaon to peruade people to buy your food and ue the above expreion. Give tudent a ample:

I’d rather you bought thee apple. Look, how clean they are! My apple are free of inect, and any chemical, becaue while they were growing, we wore paper bag for each of them. They are deliciou, pretty, clean, and the mot important, healthy. An apple a day keep the doctor away. So don’t mi them, buy! Come on! Buy ome!

Divide the tudent into group of four. One act a buyer, the other act vendor. Give tudent ome minute to prepare dialogue, and then ak ome group to act out in public.


Step 2 Pre-writing

1. Ak the tudent if you want to peruade more and more people to buy your food, what you will do?

2. Show ome ample advertiement. Ak the tudent to pay more attention to the tructure of the entence and the feature of the language.

3. According to ome ample, ak tudent to ummarize the character of word and entence in Englih ad.

4. Give tudent a ample writing. Guide them to ummarize the tructure of a poter.

(设计目的:逐步引入广告写作的话题,呈现一些广告作品和广告词,让学生自己观察、总结、归纳出广告的语言特点和结构特点。提供范例, 引导学生归纳出英语广告的写作框架,为写的训练积累了必要的素材。)

5. Skimming. Ak the tudent to kim the hort paage in Ex.1 Page 15, and find out what are the advantage of green food



Step 3 While-writing

Divide the tudent into group of four. Give them 5 minute to deign a poter.


Step 4 Pot-writing

1. In group, the tudent check their mitake in the poter and make aement.











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